What Is Interquartile Range? When analyzing data through a graph, there are a variety of different quantities that can provide an insight into the trends in the data. A graph is divided into four equal parts, each of which is known as a quarter.Q1 is the part that represents the middle value of the first half of the data. It is one-quarter of the whole data. You can also refer to it as 25% of the entire data set.Q2 is the median of the entire data. The value that lies exactly at one-half of the data. You can also refer to it as 50% of the whole data set.Q3 is the middle value of the second half of the data. It is three-fourth of the data, and you can refer to it as 75% of the entire data.The interquartile range is the measurement of where the middle fifty of the data lies. It is calculated by subtracted one-fourth value of the data, Q1, from the three-fourth value of the data, Q3.Interquartile range (IQR)=Q3-Q1. To calculate IQR, you have to find out Q1 and Q3.Q1=1/4total frequency. The value corresponding to this value is the Q1 of the data.Q3=3/4 total frequency. The value corresponding to this value is the Q3 of the data.You subtract Q1 from Q3, and you get IQR!
Here we will learn about interquartile range, including finding the interquartile range from the quartiles for a set of data, comparing data sets using the median and the interquartile range and analysing data using quartiles and the interquartile range.
Worksheets On Interquartile Range
Interquartile range is the difference between the upper quartile (or third quartile) and the lower quartile (or first quartile) in an ordered data set.
Interquartile range is part of our series of lessons to support revision on cumulative frequency. You may find it helpful to start with the main cumulative frequency lesson for a summary of what to expect, or use the step by step guides below for further detail on individual topics. Other lessons in this series include:
The interquartile range (IQR) is the difference between the third quartile and the first quartile in a given data set. In this sixth-grade statistics worksheet, students will review this definition, along with an example problem that demonstrates how to find the first and third quartiles and then subtract them to find the interquartile range. Then students will use what they've learned to practice finding the interquartile range of eight data sets of varying difficulty.
The beginning of statistics is to know the measures of central tendency and variability. At once, we will relate measure of center and variability over a range of data called the data distribution. These worksheets on mean, median, mode, range, and quartiles make you recognize the measure of center for a set of data.
Box-and-whisker plot worksheets have skills to find the five-number summary, to make plots, to read and interpret the box-and-whisker plots, to find the quartiles, range, inter-quartile range and outliers. Word problems are also included. These printable exercises cater to the learning requirements of students of grade 6 through high school. Grab some of these worksheets for free!
This is a fantastic bundle that includes everything you need to know about mean interquartile range skills across 20 in-depth pages. These are ready-to-use worksheets suitable for students aged 10-11 years old.
Helping with Math is one of the largest providers of math worksheets and generators on the internet. We provide high-quality math worksheets for more than 10 million teachers and homeschoolers every year.
In worksheet on findingthe quartiles and the interquartile range of raw and arrayed data we will solve various types of practicequestions on measures of central tendency. Here you will get 5 different typesof questions on finding the quartiles and the interquartile range of rawand arrayed data.
To learn about Quartiles please click on the Quartiles Theory Guide link. Please also find in Sections 2 & 3 below videos, PowerPoints, mind maps and worksheets on this topic to help your understanding. The two worksheets titled Medians, Quartiles & Boxplots and Median, Interquartile Range & SIQR are great resources for consolidating your learning. Worksheets including actual SQA N5 Maths exam questions are highly recommended.
Thanks to the authors for making the excellent resources below freely available. Please use the below for revision prior to assessments, tests and the final exam. Clear, easy to follow, step-by-step worked solutions to all 30 Essential Skills worksheets are available in the Online Study Pack.
Thanks to the SQA and authors for making the excellent resources below freely available. The worksheets by topic below are a fantastic study resource since they are actual SQA past paper exam questions. Clear, easy to follow, step-by-step worked solutions to all SQA N5 Maths Questions below are available in the Online Study Pack.
Thanks to the SQA and authors for making the excellent resources below freely available. In 2015 N5 Maths replaced Credit Maths. The Credit worksheets by topic below are a fantastic additional study resource.
Dozens of N5 Maths Videos, PowerPoints and Mind Maps provide quality lessons by topic. Also included are excellent revision worksheets, with actual SQA N5 Maths exam questions, to aid your understanding. Please click on our N5 Maths Videos & Worksheets dedicated page.
1 quantitative variable:Dotplot, histogram, boxplotCenter: mean, medianOther locations: max, min, 1st and 3rd quartileSpread: standard deviation, interquartile range, range, (distribution)
OpenStaxOpenStax\( \newcommand\vecs[1]\overset \scriptstyle \rightharpoonup \mathbf#1 \) \( \newcommand\vecd[1]\overset-\!-\!\rightharpoonup\vphantoma\smash #1 \)\(\newcommand\id\mathrmid\) \( \newcommand\Span\mathrmspan\) \( \newcommand\kernel\mathrmnull\,\) \( \newcommand\range\mathrmrange\,\) \( \newcommand\RealPart\mathrmRe\) \( \newcommand\ImaginaryPart\mathrmIm\) \( \newcommand\Argument\mathrmArg\) \( \newcommand\norm[1]\\) \( \newcommand\inner[2]\langle #1, #2 \rangle\) \( \newcommand\Span\mathrmspan\) \(\newcommand\id\mathrmid\) \( \newcommand\Span\mathrmspan\) \( \newcommand\kernel\mathrmnull\,\) \( \newcommand\range\mathrmrange\,\) \( \newcommand\RealPart\mathrmRe\) \( \newcommand\ImaginaryPart\mathrmIm\) \( \newcommand\Argument\mathrmArg\) \( \newcommand\norm[1]\\) \( \newcommand\inner[2]\langle #1, #2 \rangle\) \( \newcommand\Span\mathrmspan\)\(\newcommand\AA\unicode[.8,0]x212B\)
2.1: Prelude to Descriptive StatisticsIn this chapter, you will study numerical and graphical ways to describe and display your data. This area of statistics is called "Descriptive Statistics." You will learn how to calculate, and even more importantly, how to interpret these measurements and graphs. In this chapter, we will briefly look at stem-and-leaf plots, line graphs, and bar graphs, as well as frequency polygons, and time series graphs. Our emphasis will be on histograms and box plots.2.2: Stem-and-Leaf Graphs (Stemplots), Line Graphs, and Bar GraphsA stem-and-leaf plot is a way to plot data and look at the distribution, where all data values within a class are visible. The advantage in a stem-and-leaf plot is that all values are listed, unlike a histogram, which gives classes of data values. A line graph is often used to represent a set of data values in which a quantity varies with time. These graphs are useful for finding trends. A bar graph is a chart that uses either horizontal or vertical bars to show comparisons among categories.2.3: Histograms, Frequency Polygons, and Time Series GraphsA histogram is a graphic version of a frequency distribution. The graph consists of bars of equal width drawn adjacent to each other. The horizontal scale represents classes of quantitative data values and the vertical scale represents frequencies. The heights of the bars correspond to frequency values. Histograms are typically used for large, continuous, quantitative data sets. A frequency polygon can also be used when graphing large data sets with data points that repeat.2.4: Measures of the Location of the DataThe values that divide a rank-ordered set of data into 100 equal parts are called percentiles and are used to compare and interpret data. For example, an observation at the 50th percentile would be greater than 50 % of the other obeservations in the set. Quartiles divide data into quarters. The first quartile is the 25th percentile, the second quartile is 50th percentile, and the third quartile is the the 75th percentile. The interquartile range is the range of the middle 50 % of the data values2.4E: Measures of the Location of the Data (Exercises)
2.5: Box PlotsBox plots are a type of graph that can help visually organize data. To graph a box plot the following data points must be calculated: the minimum value, the first quartile, the median, the third quartile, and the maximum value. Once the box plot is graphed, you can display and compare distributions of data.2.6: Measures of the Center of the DataThe mean and the median can be calculated to help you find the "center" of a data set. The mean is the best estimate for the actual data set, but the median is the best measurement when a data set contains several outliers or extreme values. The mode will tell you the most frequently occurring datum (or data) in your data set. The mean, median, and mode are extremely helpful when you need to analyze your data.2.7: Skewness and the Mean, Median, and ModeLooking at the distribution of data can reveal a lot about the relationship between the mean, the median, and the mode. There are three types of distributions. A right (or positive) skewed distribution, a left (or negative) skewed distribution and a symmetrical distribution.2.8: Measures of the Spread of the DataAn important characteristic of any set of data is the variation in the data. In some data sets, the data values are concentrated closely near the mean; in other data sets, the data values are more widely spread out from the mean. The most common measure of variation, or spread, is the standard deviation. The standard deviation is a number that measures how far data values are from their mean.2.9: Descriptive Statistics (Worksheet)A statistics Worksheet: The student will construct a histogram and a box plot. The student will calculate univariate statistics. The student will examine the graphs to interpret what the data implies.2.E: Descriptive Statistics (Exercises)These are homework exercises to accompany the Textmap created for "Introductory Statistics" by OpenStax./**/ 2ff7e9595c