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A Game of Thrones Mod - How to Download and Play the Ultimate Crusader Kings Fantasy Mod


How to Play Crusader Kings Game of Thrones Mod: A Complete Guide

If you are a fan of both Crusader Kings III and A Song of Ice and Fire, you might have heard of the Crusader Kings Game of Thrones mod. This is a full-conversion mod that transforms the medieval strategy game into a faithful adaptation of George R. R. Martin's fantasy saga, where you can play as any of the lords and ladies of Westeros and Essos, from Robert Baratheon to Daenerys Targaryen.

This mod is not just a simple reskin of the base game, but a complete overhaul that adds new features, mechanics, events, graphics, music, and more, to create an immersive and authentic experience of playing the game of thrones. Whether you want to relive the events of the books and show, or create your own alternate scenarios, this mod will let you do it.

crusader kings game of thrones mod download

In this article, I will show you how to download, install, and play this mod, as well as review its main features and give you some tips and tricks to make the most out of it. Let's begin!


The Crusader Kings Game of Thrones mod is one of the most comprehensive and ambitious mods for Crusader Kings III. It has been in development since 2020, and has received regular updates and patches ever since. Here are some of the main features that make this mod stand out from others:

  • Two bookmarks: The mod currently offers two starting points for your game: Robert's Rebellion and Crowned Stag. The first one lets you play during the civil war that ended the Targaryen dynasty and put Robert Baratheon on the Iron Throne. The second one lets you play after the war, when Robert is king and his enemies are plotting against him. Both bookmarks have their own challenges and opportunities, as well as unique events and characters.

  • Mega Wars: One of the most innovative features of this mod is the Mega Wars system, which simulates the complex dynamics of feudal wars in Westeros. When a lord declares war on another lord, his vassals can choose to join him, stay neutral, or even side with his enemy. This creates a more realistic and unpredictable scenario, where alliances can shift and betrayals can happen. You can also face consequences for your actions, such as losing your titles or your dynasty.

  • Kingsguard: Another feature that adds flavor and immersion to this mod is the Kingsguard system. As the ruler of the Seven Kingdoms, you can recruit up to seven elite knights to serve as your personal bodyguards and commanders. The Knights of the Kingsguard are sworn to protect you and your family for life, but they also have their own personalities and traits that can affect their loyalty and performance.

  • Expanded Councilors: The mod also enhances the role of your councilors by giving them more tasks and options based on their skills and lifestyles. For example, your Hand of the King can oversee construction projects, organize tournaments, or investigate rumors. Your Master of Laws can fabricate claims, improve relations, or enforce justice. Your Master of Coin can collect taxes, extort money, or fund schemes.

  • Custom Artifacts & Throne Rooms: The mod also adds a lot of visual details and flavor to your game by introducing custom artifacts and throne rooms. You can collect various items from the books and show, such as Valyrian steel swords, dragon eggs, or weirwood branches. You can also customize your throne room according to your culture and religion, such as having an Iron Throne, a Seastone Chair, or a Great Pyramid.

  • Religions & Cultures: The mod also adds a lot of diversity and depth to the religions and cultures of the game. You can choose from various faiths, such as the Faith of the Seven, the Old Gods, the Drowned God, the Lord of Light, or the Many-Faced God. Each religion has its own doctrines, holy sites, events, and mechanics. You can also choose from various cultures, such as Andal, First Men, Ironborn, Valyrian, Dothraki, or Ghiscari. Each culture has its own traditions, laws, names, and portraits.

These are just some of the features that this mod offers. There are many more to discover and explore, such as dragons, direwolves, white walkers, blood magic, faceless men, night's watch, iron bank, and more. You can also find references and easter eggs from the books and show throughout the game.


Now that you know what this mod is about, you might be wondering how to download and install it. There are two main ways to do this: using Steam or using other sources.

Using Steam

The easiest and most convenient way to install this mod is using Steam. Here are the steps to follow:

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  • Launch Steam and go to the Library tab.

  • Find Crusader Kings III in your list of games and right-click on it.

  • Select Properties and then go to the Betas tab.

  • Select 1.4.4 - 1.4.4 from the drop-down menu. This is the version of the game that is compatible with the mod.

  • Wait for Steam to download and apply the update.

  • Go back to the Library tab and click on Browse Workshop under Crusader Kings III.

  • Search for Crusader Kings Game of Thrones in the workshop and click on it.

  • Click on Subscribe to download the mod.

  • Wait for Steam to download and install the mod.

  • Launch Crusader Kings III and go to the Mods tab in the launcher.

  • Check the box next to Crusader Kings Game of Thrones and click on Play.

Congratulations! You have successfully installed the mod using Steam. You can now start a new game and enjoy playing in the world of A Song of Ice and Fire.

Using Other Sources

If you prefer not to use Steam or want to use a different version of the mod, you can also download and install it manually using other sources. Here are the steps to follow:

  • Go to , which is the official forum of the mod developers.

  • Register an account or log in if you already have one.

  • Go to , which is where you can find the latest version of the mod and other sub-mods.

  • Find the thread titled "RELEASE: A Game of Thrones v2.2" (or a newer version if available) and click on it.

  • Read the instructions and requirements carefully and then click on the link to download the mod file.

  • Extract the zip file using a program like WinRAR or 7-Zip.

  • Copy the folder named "A Game of Thrones" and the file named "A Game of Thrones.mod" into your Crusader Kings III mod folder. The default location is C:\Users\YourName\Documents\Paradox Interactive\Crusader Kings III\mod.

  • Launch Crusader Kings III and go to the Mods tab in the launcher.

  • Check the box next to Crusader Kings Game of Thrones and click on Play.

Congratulations! You have successfully installed the mod manually using other sources. You can now start a new game and enjoy playing in the world of A Song of Ice and Fire.


Now that you have installed the mod, you might be wondering how to play it. The gameplay of this mod is similar to that of Crusader Kings III, but with some differences and additions that reflect the setting and lore of A Song of Ice and Fire. Here are some tips on how to start a new game, choose a bookmark and a character, and navigate the interface and mechanics of this mod:

Starting a New Game Starting a New Game

To start a new game, you need to choose a bookmark and a character. A bookmark is a historical scenario that sets the date, the map, and the events of the game. A character is a playable ruler that you can control and roleplay as.

The mod currently offers two bookmarks: Robert's Rebellion and Crowned Stag. Robert's Rebellion starts in 282 AC, when Robert Baratheon leads a rebellion against the Mad King Aerys II Targaryen. Crowned Stag starts in 298 AC, when Robert is king and his enemies are plotting against him. You can choose either bookmark by clicking on the icons at the bottom of the screen.

After choosing a bookmark, you can choose a character by clicking on the map or using the filters at the top of the screen. You can play as any of the lords and ladies of Westeros and Essos, from the great houses to the minor ones. You can also create your own custom character by clicking on the ruler designer button at the bottom right of the screen.

Each character has their own traits, skills, relationships, titles, claims, and ambitions. You can see their information by hovering over their portrait or clicking on it. You can also see their family tree, their court, their vassals, their allies, and their enemies by clicking on the tabs at the top of their character screen.

Once you have chosen a character, you can click on the play button at the bottom right of the screen to start your game. You will then see a brief introduction to your character and your situation, as well as some tips and hints on how to play.

Navigating the Interface and Mechanics

The interface and mechanics of this mod are similar to those of Crusader Kings III, but with some differences and additions that reflect the setting and lore of A Song of Ice and Fire. Here are some of the main elements that you need to know:

  • The Map: The map shows the political and geographical landscape of Westeros and Essos. You can zoom in and out, move around, and switch between different map modes by using your mouse or keyboard. You can also see various information and icons on the map, such as your realm, your armies, your enemies, your allies, your wars, your plots, your events, and more.

  • The Toolbar: The toolbar is located at the top of the screen. It shows various buttons and menus that allow you to access different aspects of the game, such as your character, your council, your court, your military, your intrigue, your decisions, your religion, your culture, your factions, your laws, your succession, your dynasty, your chronicle, your encyclopedia, and more.

  • The Alerts: The alerts are located at the top right of the screen. They show various notifications and reminders that require your attention or action, such as events, messages, issues, opportunities, threats, suggestions, warnings, and more. You can click on them to open them or dismiss them.

  • The Outliner: The outliner is located at the right side of the screen. It shows various lists and tabs that allow you to quickly access different aspects of the game, such as your holdings, your armies, your fleets, your prisoners, your allies, your enemies, your wars, your plots, your schemes, your secrets, your hooks, your stress, and more. You can also pin or unpin any of these tabs to customize your outliner.

  • The Ledger: The ledger is located at the bottom left of the screen. It shows various statistics and information about the game, such as your income, your expenses, your prestige, your piety, your renown, your fame, your tyranny, your dread, your opinion, your traits, your skills, your lifestyle, your health, your fertility, and more. You can also see the rankings of the most powerful characters and realms in the game.

  • The Events: The events are pop-up windows that appear on the screen. They show various situations and scenarios that happen in the game, such as wars, battles, marriages, births, deaths, plots, schemes, secrets, hooks, decisions, dilemmas, opportunities, threats, and more. You can interact with them by choosing different options or closing them.

These are just some of the main elements that you need to know. There are many more to discover and explore as you play the game. You can also access the tutorial and the help menu at any time by clicking on the buttons at the top right of the screen.


The Crusader Kings Game of Thrones mod is one of the best mods for Crusader Kings III. It is a must-play for any fan of A Song of Ice and Fire or Game of Thrones. It offers a rich and immersive experience of playing in the world of Westeros and Essos, with a lot of features and content that make it unique and enjoyable. Here are some of the pros and cons of this mod:


  • Faithful adaptation: The mod is very faithful to the source material and captures the essence and atmosphere of A Song of Ice and Fire. It includes many details and references from the books and show that make it feel authentic and immersive.

  • Diverse gameplay: The mod offers a lot of diversity and variety in terms of gameplay. You can play as any character from any culture or religion, with different goals and challenges. You can also experience different events and scenarios that change depending on your choices and actions.

  • Innovative features: The mod adds a lot of innovative features and mechanics that enhance the gameplay and make it more interesting and realistic. Some examples are the Mega Wars system, the Kingsguard system, the expanded councilors system, the custom artifacts and throne rooms system, and more.

  • High quality: The mod is very high quality in terms of graphics, music, sound, writing, and performance. It is clear that the mod developers have put a lot of effort and passion into making this mod as good as possible. The mod is also regularly updated and patched to fix bugs and add new content.


  • Compatibility issues: The mod is not compatible with the latest version of Crusader Kings III or with other mods. You need to use an older version of the game and disable any other mods to play this mod. This can be inconvenient and limit your options.

  • Difficulty and balance: The mod can be very difficult and challenging, especially for new or casual players. Some characters and scenarios are more powerful or easier than others, which can create a sense of unfairness or frustration. You also need to be careful and attentive to avoid making mistakes or losing your game.

  • Complexity and learning curve: The mod adds a lot of complexity and depth to the game, which can be overwhelming or confusing for some players. You need to learn and understand a lot of new features and mechanics, as well as the lore and history of A Song of Ice and Fire. You also need to pay attention to a lot of details and information that can affect your game.

These are some of the pros and cons of this mod. Of course, these are subjective and may vary depending on your preferences and expectations. You can also adjust the settings and options of the mod to suit your playstyle and difficulty level.


The Crusader Kings Game of Thrones mod is a fantastic mod that transforms Crusader Kings III into a game of thrones simulator. It is a must-play for any fan of A Song of Ice and Fire or Game of Thrones, as well as for anyone who enjoys strategy games with rich stories and characters. It offers a lot of features and content that make it unique and enjoyable, as well as high quality and immersive.

If you want to play this mod, you need to download and install it using Steam or other sources, choose a bookmark and a character, and navigate the interface and mechanics of the mod. You also need to be aware of the pros and cons of this mod, and adjust your settings and options accordingly.

I hope this article has helped you learn more about this mod and how to play it. I highly recommend you give it a try and see for yourself why it is one of the best mods for Crusader Kings III. Have fun playing the game of thrones!


Here are some frequently asked questions and answers about this mod:

  • Q: Is this mod official or fan-made?

  • A: This mod is fan-made. It is not endorsed or affiliated with Paradox Interactive, George R. R. Martin, HBO, or any other official entity. It is made by a team of dedicated fans who love A Song of Ice and Fire and Crusader Kings III.

  • Q: Is this mod finished or still in development?

  • A: This mod is still in development. It is not a final product, but a work in progress that is constantly being improved and expanded. The mod developers are always working on adding new features, content, bug fixes, patches, updates, and more.

  • Q: How can I support this mod or give feedback?

  • A: You can support this mod or give feedback by visiting its official forum, which is . There you can find more information about the mod, download the latest version, report bugs, suggest ideas, join discussions, donate money, or contact the mod developers.

  • Q: How can I play this mod with friends or online?

  • A: You can play this mod with friends or online by using the multiplayer mode of Crusader Kings III. You need to have the same version of the game and the mod as your friends or other players, as well as a stable internet connection. You can then host or join a multiplayer game using Steam or other platforms.

  • Q: How can I learn more about A Song of Ice and Fire or Game of Thrones?

  • A: You can learn more about A Song of Ice and Fire or Game of Thrones by reading the books, which are written by George R. R. Martin and published by Bantam Books. There are currently five books in the main series, with two more planned. You can also watch the show, which is produced by HBO and based on the books. There are eight seasons in total, with a prequel series in the works. You can also visit the official websites, wikis, forums, podcasts, blogs, and fan communities of A Song of Ice and Fire or Game of Thrones, which are abundant and active on the internet.



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